policy impact with FIPRA
Avril joined FIPRA International as a Special Advisor for Energy, Environment, Healthcare and Agriculture in October 2017. Prior to joining FIPRA, Avril had an extensive political career as an elected public representative both nationally and internationally from 1974 to 2009: in local government; as Mayor of Wexford; as a TD (ie MP), Senator and Minister in successive Irish governments. Avril spent 10 years as an MEP in the EPP group as Leader of the Irish Delegation.
Avril was a member of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs Committee(ENVI) from 1999 to 2009; a member of the Agriculture and Food Committee (AGRI) from 1999 to 2004 and a member of the Industry Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) from 2004 to 2009. The many areas Avril worked in included the Veterinary Medicines Directive and Maximum Residue Levels (MRLS). Avril also worked on Cross Border Directive (Health). Avril is a member of the Institute for International and European Affairs (IIEA), The Royal Dublin Society (RDS), an associate member of the British Veterinary Association and a former President of the Equestrian Federation of Ireland.
Avril has a BSc (Biochemistry) from UCD and has a wide range of interests including business, livestock, bloodstock and travel. Avril speaks English, Gaeilge and some French.
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