policy impact with FIPRA
An economist by profession, JP Fabri currently leads the Economic & Management Advisory Unit and the Digital Economy Unit at FIPRA Malta, locally known as ARQ. JP has amassed local and international experience both in the private and public sector. Prior to joining FIPRA Malta, JP formed part of the private cabinet of the former Prime Minister of Malta and Governor of the Central Bank of Malta. He also has international policy advisory experience having advised 9 governments on economic development. JP was also appointed a Technical Expert of The Commonwealth Secretariat for small island developing states. JP followed post-graduate studies in economics and political economy at the University of Malta and the London School of Economics and is also a certified blockchain strategy advisor from Said Business School, Oxford University. He holds an International Certificate in Investor Relations from the IR Society in the United Kingdom. JP is a visiting lecturer in economics and public policy at the University of Malta. JP speaks English, Maltese and Italian.