policy impact with FIPRA
Patrik has worked in public affairs and government relations with specific focus on EU Affairs since 1997. He represents FIPRA in Slovakia.
Patrik began his career in Pre-Accession Projects as a project manager and consultant, and he has acted as EU Affairs Advisor to various clients, including ministries, regulatory bodies, employer associations, chambers of commerce, EU institutions, business alliances, public sector and NGOs.
Patrik has been involved in assisting the business sector in Slovakia in preparations for the EU-membership. As member of the Team Europa run by the European Commission, he was involved in the campaign for the EU membership. In 2003, he managed the establishment of Slovakia’s first Public Affairs Office in Brussels and became the Head of EU Office.
Patrik has also been involved in issues dealing with the preparation for the introduction of the EURO in Slovakia. He was a member of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels where he served as Member of the External Affairs, Transport/Energy Committees and Western Balkans Contact Group.
In Slovakia, Patrik has developed a fully-fledged consultancy and advisory on range of government relations and regulatory policy issues. He is mainly involved in projects in Energy and Transport sector dealing with competition and regulatory issues and is a frequent speaker on issues related to the impact of the EU membership.
Patrik speaks fluent Slovak, Hungarian and English, as well as basic French, Russian and Croat.
SK - HU - EN - FR - RU - HR