policy impact with FIPRA
Rhod Shaw brings nearly 35 years of high-level government experience to the Alpine Group and its clients. For the past 25 years, Rhod has successfully represented a diverse group of Fortune 500 companies, major international trade associations, State and local governments, and other industry leaders on matters pending before the legislative and executive branches of government.
He provides clients with critical strategic advice and has created and implemented successful comprehensive legislative and grassroots action plans that draws upon his broad bipartisan reach in Washington.
Rhod’s extensive experience includes specialized work affecting key industries such as telecommunications, energy, automotive, technology, financial services, and those requiring the protection of intellectual property rights, as well as other leading industries. His keen understanding of both policy and politics has earned Rhod the distinction of constantly being identified as one of Washington’s top consultants.
He is known as having “inner circle status on a host of issues” with key figures in Washington and has been recognized repeatedly in trade journals as one of the Hill’s elite consultants. He is acknowledged as one of the few figures who can work across the Hill and across the aisle.
During his tenure in Washington both as a Chief of Staff on Capitol Hill and as an outside consultant, Rhod has been significantly involved in the development of numerous landmark pieces of legislation. He worked at length on the development and passage of The Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Satellite Home Viewer Act, the Federal Power Act, the Clean Air Act, as well as other laws affecting privacy, e-commerce, cyber-security, data security, broadband deployment, television programming, air quality standards, electricity policy, automotive safety and fuel economy, and many others.